ainsss, pues que hoy de regreso al job [after un reel cool wochenende] recordé el terrible periplo que debo emprender y pagar por vivir en una zona alejada de la civilización citadina […lo veré por el lado amable, el día que haya un megaterremoto, erupción volcánica o bien el lago de texcoco regrese para recuperar sus otroras dominios, no lo sufriré, veré al resto de las 20 millones de almas luchar por sus vidas mientras yo, yo estaré a salvo con otros 5 millones de locos que habitan el área metroponiente del 3vecesH edomex…] pero por ahora me atrevo a decir que en mi lista negra de gente NON GRATA AD VITA MEA incluyo al edil de atizapanburgo, que en meros tintes electoreros de fin de gestión, se le prende el foco de hacer un distribuidor vial, ensanchar un boulevard, re-encarpetar calles del town y demás ‘molestias temporáneas’, digo esta super que hagan obra publica PERO todo de un jalón?... por Dios! Lo que es no hacer nada en 2 años de gobierno y al ultimo pretender perpetuar la bandera azul en el local gov’t…
anyhow, i gotta get into the big city every single day, during the ride, i could recall a nasty song named 'el muchacho satanico' couple o'years back in time, it talked bout a lad who had the unexpected visit [as usual] of jehova's witnesses preachers... well you mite have a guess... but the deal now goes me and a mormon elder [those young handsome blokes whit white short sleeved shirts, ties and dark nametags] i's walkin on the street and towards me, was walking one of these elders, he noticed me and he kept staring... mite he be able to see EVIL in me?, or was it i just looked a bit DIFFERENT, or did he like me?. kinda!. see, i noticed his staring eyes on me face, i had a smile, he did also, suddenly... i approached him and talked in english, 'angels are falling apart from heaven' i went a bit flamboyant, sent a kiss on air, winked him and he smiled, then he got apart walking with his didn't-realise-mate, i wonder if he's poof, as far as i know, they don't appreciate much this way of sexuality [i's stuffed with it a while]. phat. i dunno how come i reacted like that, mitebe he covered me physical requirements on ppl, mite it be i woke up today a bit bitchy?... not usual in me that's for sure, but it was fun!... i mean adrenalyne rush all over me body... pff!
quiero ser [ r u l ö ! ]


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