actually i don't believe in miracles. in fact i doubt most of it all about religion. neverminding it, today happened something near to that - thinking seriously on becoming a devoted priestdude for Saint Lynching's cause. the third of the 'c' days along the schoolyear came on and it was not that bad as i's waiting it to be. noppers. by the end the happening wowed me. now gotta celebrate and ye ye it. by the way, i'm seriously thinking of setting my month for lounge this march. tune in Saint Lynching TV (lower side) to see what i mean.

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

they were right, the worst part of one's dead is putting the family together. a short nasty discussion, have to bear a stuck up wanker cousin and a couple of spoiled new nephew kids, a freezing cold night, have to drive along the city by midnight, beat the traffic in the periférico norte just like at noon -meanwhile midnight was hitting it, may i insist-. not that bad for a nice sunday late night. even a better start up for what seems to be a crappy week. may Saint Lynching the Lord be with me.
[St LyCoSFiDa Management]


see more details at

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

limp bizkit, spring-summer 2004, zwan, graduation, cni, chickenpox, woodstock99, marilyn manson, firsties, summer 2005, b's&t's, radioactivo, mum, fernanda tapia, sigur rós, paseo de la reforma, vcr, blas, majic6, junior high, 2000, betsy, corazón, first job, smashing pumpkins, granny, hate, late thursday...
[St LyCoSFiDa Management]


je ne sais if beers might be that pleasant for me. prefer scotch or even tequila. even rather listening to this thing 'ave just downloaded -er, last weekend- !. but what it used to be a plaisir en moi was coffee, which since january was actually banned by my doc. aw... coffee... that sinful heavenly beverage, important part of the desayuno de los campeones, not necessary meaning breakfast for champions. i need to make it with...

... fancy a cup?:
besides, beers can be a bit troublesome. here's how:

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

casi se llega el primer trimestre de tu partida. until now i start to realize about you're note anymore here, but you are with us. missing you tons verdadera nancy rubia.
[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

Vaya líos

a mi que me mola el frío, los días grises y lluviosos y hasta un poquitín de la depresión que ello implica y lo que necesito va a ser el calorcillo (vitamina d incluída) de la estación venidera. sólo me quedará decir...

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

so i'm doing it.

these blondie nancys make my current delights. i'm thinking on playing 'em loud all the way up northbound morrow. miss universo contra sansona, remarkable fading theme for their late *una cita con nancys rubias*.

let's glam!

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

a fin de cuentas si me enfermé. ya saliendo de la crisis, gracias por preguntar, vosotras siempre tan atentas. pues hay muchas cosas que pueden lograr hacerme feliz, además de estar sanito de nuevo. si estáis interesadas en adjudicaros alguna, aqui os odejo una lista de aquellas 10 cosas imprescindibles en mi material felicidad:
1.- el dominio de
2.- un chip multilenguaje de facil instalación, integrable al encéfalo (prioritariamente francés, alemán, hebreo y japones, sin olvidar algún idioma nórdico).
3.- maestría en lingüistica sin necesidad de examen profesional. o al menos de un jurado tan incisivo.
4.- un buen partido para casarme elegible entre sea judío, israelí, catalán, noruego o bien canadiense, con los beneficios que ello conlleve.
5.- un boleto de primera fila para asistir a algún show de hej matematik en europa.
6.- un boleto de primera fila para asistir a un show del reencuentro de aqua en norteamérica.
7.- un día enterito con evan rivers o pierre fitch, según sea.
8.- dos semanas de estadía en islandia con permanencia en reykjavík, þingvellir e isafjörður primordialmente, incluyendo espectaculo en vivo de sigur rós y björk en el tjornin.
9.- los zapatos nike de marty mcfly en volver al futuro, aquellos grises inolvidables, acompañados de la chaqueta roja de la misma película.
10.- estos dos discos que me faltan de mister lapointe (autografiados). por lo menos el último.
[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

" (...) that old man looked up to me in a desperate way, just as if he was eager to be released from something. he was crying out with his dusty old dried up eyes. it did melt my heart at the point i was about to help him getting up from the ground when all of a sudden i had to step back from doing so since he turned into a fierce beast with red big eyes and claws like bear's. that beast once man, started to burn up from inside shouting out like some kind of abhorred monster, burning himself and turning into ashes that owed to his own teardrops, went into a muddy pudding (...)"
circa october 2005
[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

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