... pues si my beautiful children, para que no me los agarren de bajada y los menosprecien de incultos globales, es imprescindible conocer esto y más... una listilla de proverbios islandeses, después de todo, ese pequeño y beautiful country cada vez cobra mayor relevancia en el mundo [sigur rós, jakobínarina, múm, kukl, mammoth, ahi nació el primer europeo en pisar américa - no, no fué cristobalito colón, gus gus y por supuesto björk!]
*Sæt er lykt úr sjálfs síns rassi.
Trans. Sweet is the smell from your own ass.
English Equiv: He thinks his shit doesn't stink.
Meaning: You think you cannot do anything wrong.
*Ber er hver að baki nema að sér bróður eigi.
Trans. Every man is defenceless unless he has a brother.
Trans. Every man is defenceless unless he has a brother.
*Það er skammgóður vermir að pissa í skóna sína.
Trans. Pissing in your shoes won't keep your feet warm for long.
Trans. Pissing in your shoes won't keep your feet warm for long.
*Blindur er bóklaus maður.
Trans. Blind is a man without a book.
English Equiv: Knowledge is power.
Trans. Blind is a man without a book.
English Equiv: Knowledge is power.
*Kemst þó hægt fari.
Trans. You will reach your destination even though you travel slowly.
English Equiv: Slow and steady wins the race.
Trans. You will reach your destination even though you travel slowly.
English Equiv: Slow and steady wins the race.
*Oft hefur hin frægri kona færri hringa.
Trans. The more renowned woman often has fewer rings.
Trans. The more renowned woman often has fewer rings.
*Töluð orð verða ekki aftur tekin.
Trans. Spoken words cannot be taken back.
Trans. Spoken words cannot be taken back.
*Margur verður af aurum api.
Trans. Money makes monkeys of men.
English Equiv: Money makes fools of us all.
Trans. Money makes monkeys of men.
English Equiv: Money makes fools of us all.
*Það er of seint gripið um rassinn þegar kúkurinn er kominn í buxurnar.
It's too late to grab your ass when the poop is already in your pants.
It's too late to grab your ass when the poop is already in your pants.
*Árinni kennir illur ræðari.
Trans. A bad rower blames the oar.
English Equiv: A bad workman blames his tools.
Trans. A bad rower blames the oar.
English Equiv: A bad workman blames his tools.
*Á morgun segir sá lati.
Trans. Tomorrow says the lazy.
Trans. Tomorrow says the lazy.
*Betra er að standa á eigin fótum en annarra.
Trans. It´s better to stand on your own feet than someone else´s.
Trans. It´s better to stand on your own feet than someone else´s.
*Margur ágirnist meira en þarf.
Trans. Often does one desire what one does not need.
Trans. Often does one desire what one does not need.
*Guð hjálpar þeim sem hjálpa sér sjálfir.
Trans. God helps those who help themselves.
Trans. God helps those who help themselves.
*Brennt barn forðast eldinn.
Trans. A burnt child keeps away from fire.
English Equiv: Once bitten, twice shy.
Trans. A burnt child keeps away from fire.
English Equiv: Once bitten, twice shy.
*Sjaldan er ein báran stök.
Trans. There seldom is a single wave
English Equiv: When it rains, it pours.
Meaning: Good luck or bad luck is often followed by more of the same.
Trans. There seldom is a single wave
English Equiv: When it rains, it pours.
Meaning: Good luck or bad luck is often followed by more of the same.
*Oft velltir lítil þúfa, þungu hlassi.
Trans. It oftens takes little force to move great masses.
Trans. It oftens takes little force to move great masses.
*Enginn er verr þótt hann vökni
No one is worse though he gets wet
No one is worse though he gets wet
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