heart intruder

Þú gaf minn von sem verð að vonbrigðum, þetta er ágætis býrjun...Now that i'm awake everything seems different, i look around but there's nothing at all, put on my shoes, i then find that i'm with the sun, but where are you? - go on a journey and roam the streets, can't see the way out and so use the stars - i awake from a nightmare, myheartisbeatingoutofcontrol. i've become so used to this craziness. þettir veröld ný og oð that amazes me as i go in search for life, a life that i'm afraid shall be without you. up from now just as always, we fly without each other. ég vil elska þig... por sanidad, debo sacarte de mi mente, nopuedomasseguirasi, happiness is just a state of mind... may be, but such state with you used to be so fucking great that i was like high most of the time, now it's over y la vuelta a la realidad siempre duele... i should take off all my ghosts and devils who remind me of you, aunque doloroso, debe ser asi, no fuiste mas que un intruso en mi vida, no aportaste nada bueno, salvo vonbrigðum... i loved your eyes and their sparkling fire, but i should've foresaw that it was just a mirage.


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