yeh hun!, as it goes... Albus Perceval Dumbledore was Gay ...some say it's awsome, some others nuch... according to Jo's speech at Carnegie Hall last week, after reading briefly from the final book, "HP DH", she took questions from the audience, a kid went if at some time Dumbledore finds 'true love'. 'Dumbledore is gay', she responded to gasps and applause... after this news, numerous websites'ave spilled on with pros and cons comments, LGBT community goes mad with a representative member in one, if not the most, succesful editorial hit ever [supposed for kids only, tho], more over, people open minded enough got it nice and just got it, but some others got it as another proof for pointing out that Harry Potter's tales turn kids into evil paths of sorcery and now homosexuality [so sad]... JK said that if she'd've known about people's reaction was going to be that good, she'd'ave him out of the closet earlier... what do you think?


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