va a ser dificil el "celebrar" estos dias festivos en el país, as for me, la mosca me anda tras la oreja y no me deja en paz la muy antipática... just to cite a few examples, here you are:

++ The Office of the Presidency said that President Calderón has postponed a work trip to the United States that had been set for September 23rd to September 26th in order to be in the country to see through the entire legislative process involving fiscal and electoral reforms… [PUH-LEASE Mr Calderón, so nice you are!]

++ The Chamber of Deputies approved the Electoral Reform bill, thus it is now up to the 32 state legislatures to approve the bill for it to become

++ Chief Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) Commissioners, Luis Carlos Ugalde, asked employees at the IFE to keep on fulfilling their tasks “regardless of circumstances the country is going through.” Ugalde is on the verge of losing his job. The electoral reform bill calls for his removal 30 days after the signing of the bill by the President….)

++ The Senate approved six out of seven parts of the Fiscal Reform bill, among them those involving a new taxing system for PEMEX, and a 5.5 percent increase to gasoline and diesel fuel rates… On Tuesday the Senate will broach five constitutional articles on the budget plan, reviewing public spending and auditing the three branches of government…(Comment: More taxes and higher gasoline bills… Next year is going to be a blast for accountants and awful for business…)

++ NEW YORK TIMES Editorial: Hobbling Mexico’s Democracy It is natural, and welcome, for any democracy to reform its rules and procedures to guarantee the legitimacy and fairness of its elections. But Mexico’s political parties are playing with fire, using the cover of reform to try to oust the board of the autonomous Federal Electoral Institute, including its president, Luis Carlos Ugalde. The arbiter of Mexico’s elections, the electoral institute has conferred legitimacy to a process badly tattered by decades of widespread election fraud and de facto single-party rule.It proved its full worth last year when it had the credibility to pull the nation through an extremely bitter presidential election in which Felipe Calderón, of the National Action Party, won by a margin of half a percent, and the loser, Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party, cried fraud and took his supporters to the streets. Complete Editorial here.

After all, al pinche pais chisguetero se le olvida con un poco de circo...


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