rulörion y la lluvia

ó... it's hard to find out some beloved people you thought you're gonna keep in touch with [or at least from time to time] you are not anymore. yes. that's it. i kinda summoned at the beginning of this year that 08 was gonna be a reel different and unique year. well, it's becoming like that. but not only for good but, for bad also. that's what it get'e me a bit sad. i can't deny 'ave made meself wow lately doing and trying new stuff i didn't do before. 'ayer era imposible, hoy lo hiciste: ese es un milagro' says a jew proverb. i think it's a bit like that. this week i came down to realise about i won't see anymore two people i certainly gonna miss. the first one, Hilda. she's a great woman, easy-going, helpful, fun, the kind of person you immediately love. by now she's dead. i was hoping to see her these days during some courses, but sadly i found with this nasty news. she was dying when me was with that chickenpox of shite. i just wanna remember you, dear friend as you always used to be: that fun nutty woman, helpful and loyal to your loved ones. may you rest in peace.
the other person is you vcr, i don't know why but i'm afraid you're in problems, since rod said me he's nearly murdered in a town bar by some drunk cunts, i immediately thought of you, mite be that the reason you've not given me any sign of alive. hope it's not that deep shite i'm afraid of.
'hay que vivir la vida, sólo tienes una' said jester marisoley, she's rite, pity we can't make for sure how long are we gonna keep in this realm. meanwhile, it mite be nice to make a profit of being here.
lovely regards my deer friends.
quiero ser [ r u l ö ! ]


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