... y exitosa además, es hello saferide desde suecia, bastante buena y con una voz wow... tracks que son un must: long lost penpal, hisghschool stalker y hasta the quiz

[St LyCoSFiDa Management]

Ich hab einen Komplex mit dem Sex Meine Libido ist ein Fiasko
Ich weiß nicht, bin ich ein Mann,bin ich 'ne Frau, bin ich ein Tier?

Weder obszön, noch abstinent, nymphomanisch, noch Kontinent
Weder Sadomaso, noch Onanist, noch voyeuristisch, noch Fetischist Ich bin keine,
die sich sofort hinlegt und auch keine, die gleich wieder aufsteht
Dennoch muss ich zugeben mein Sexleben ist schwer zu beschreiben

Ich weiß nicht, wo ich es tun soll Außen, innen, im Park, im Lift?
Ich habe ein Geheimnis Bin eine Frau mit Penis,
ein Mann mit Titten, ein Tier mit bösen Sitten
Ich bin maskulin, feminin, schizophren, hysterisch, androgyn, Hermaphrodit
Ich bin ein Monster, sicher kein Roboter Bin auch sehr unsicher, denn … mmh
[der playmobilfan]

since these days have seemed a bit "Hinsegin" for me, (don't know bout you but i've felt'em like that) gotta post some strange texts have got into me mind [...ooh, going scotish] with a lil help of some MySpace and BlogspotPals all over... and yes i'm an expert on how to have sex with elves... go put me to test!

Ok, Im gonna start with a few simple ELF-facts:
1) Elf sex is possibly the safest sex on earth. They dont carry sexually transmitted diseases and you can't get pregnant or make an Elverine pregnant unless you both want to, which is not unheard of.
2) And YES there are female elves, elverines. And theyre HOT HOT HOT, even to girls. That reminds me: All elves are bisexual, but guys and girls not ready for some same sex action dont worry, no elf will do anything you dont want to. They can sense your longings and not-longings. yoursELF is following me?...

An american guy sent me this the other day on MySpace, check it out. Proves Im not crazy...or well at least not the only crazy person out there. I'll stop now, just read:
...hmmm,I'm not sure what this 'Glacierpickies' thing is all about but I don't like the sound of it.It definitely does not sound elfish or even remotely Huldufólk(*) to me.I'm sure 'Please yoursElf' must be a fascinating book but are you sure with a title like that you just didn't tell me to please MY-self? Believe it or not I may have an Icelandic elf connection.I at least have a story...during the early seventies my Mom was a nurse in the U.S. Airforce stationed at Keflavik.Being a sexually liberated young beautiful woman she said she found relations with her boyfriend ,my father, stupid and boring.(When she told me all this she was quite drunk).I remember how taken a back and sickend I was about hearing my Mom talk about sex...I wanted to vomit,trust me! Anyways,while on leave from the base my Mom and her friend decided to take a road up to Akureyri.Don't ask me how but she also said she had some marijuana,remember this was 1973 or 74' and she was an American... Well, here it is..along the way they stoped to camp by some river or glacier ,I don't remember which, and that night met some...elfs.I know what your saying Ohhh,Bullshit ,American Johnny! I'm sorry it gets much worse! Not only were they elves but they were guy elves and they smoke and drank and...you guessed it!

... had sex in some flimsy U.S. Airforce tent with my Mom and her friend,this is so fucking gross!
I think they were just high and drunk and met two horny Icelandic sheepherders...
There's more ...I look and act nothing like my Dad and only bear a slight resemblance to my Mom.She would always tell me over Christmas I was 'cute as an elf' and I always hated Santa Clause for paying his employess with left over milk and cookies.

So if this is all true and if I am half-elven I should have some sort of idea what a 'Glacierpickies' is -I don't.
Like I said...hmmm.

What you think of it? ... pity this year we've missed "Jónsmessa" (or Midsummer night - that was actually during my birthday: june21st... see how magick comes all over me?!). That is a really special day in Iceland. The story says that you should get compleatly naked and roll around in the wet grass during the night and make a wish and then all your wishes come true. During that night the wet in the grass also has healing power (only in Iceland - don't you dare rolling onto your garden's grass unless no peeping neighbor be around the place).

elfin greetings
[der playmobilfan]

(*) Huldufólk is told the 'hidden people' in iceland: elves, dwarves and nature spirits


madre mía, que esto me remite por 1991, de regreso del cole, a hacer tarea, estudiar, comer y ver tele o salir a jufar... esa preciada rutina... that's life, that is! [aun tengo mi figurin de cobi por una promoción de helados de la epoca]

[der playmobilfan]

der playmobilfan

[der playmobilfan]


[der playmobilfan]

... pues al menos mientras escuchamos el track de KidRock [ó yea!], nice track by the way, cool, smooth, chill and easy going... just like the summer should be. ademas de que acaban de sacar nuevo single los hey matematik!, llamado walkmand, bastante efectivo!, cuesta uno y la mitad del otro bajarlo, pero al fin esta en mis garras, claro que lo puedes escuchar acá con algunas fotos de ellos mientras tanto. aqui el video del track de kidrock:

este edificio me ha llamado bastante la atención, (quiero una casa asi) eso mientras buscaba algun fondo decente y ad hoc con el concepto que tengo en mente para mis extensiones en la red...

claro está que no he podido evitar el toparme con una imagen de la prohibida que estaría perfecta para mis fines, de no ser por el color del fondo, jo! necesito un software de edición...
aunque pensandolo bien, me parece que optaré por esta imagen para adornar mis ciber-egos...
y mientras obama y mccain se indignan por la caricatura del new yorker, me dedicaré a crear mis nuevas firmas gif para mi nuevo yo, pues rulörion ya pasó, mucho me temo.

[der playmobilfan]

... popchicle, jpop, electropop o simplemente pop... como sea, pero vaya que es pegajosa!. te gusta? te la regalo completita, anda! hagámosla la canción del verano!

[der playmobilfan]

[ t-rulösaurus rex ]


can't get tired of them. it's GLASVEGAS. yes they are from Glasgow + Vegas name add'd up. what do they sound like?... i just can say real scot dry 90's sound. in short OUTSTANDING. check out their site here or they MySpace... look for tracks of 'em... key ones 'its my own cheating heart that makes me cry', 'geraldine', 'daddy's gone', 'gonna get stabbed'... FAB! [besides they're phwoar!] TALENTED LADS AND LASS!

[ t-rulösaurus rex]

quiero ser [ r u l ö ! ]

aye mate, no lie. graffitti puede ser tagger o meros rayones idiotas. pero tambien puede ser una manera real de arte... una muestra de ello es lo que banksy en algunas ciudades del reino pintarrajea por las calles. indeed, have a look on his art.

[ t-rulösaurus rex! ]
quiero ser [ r u l ö ! ]

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