creo que este será mi nuevo fondo de myspace...... me ha encantado!
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gosh!, that solely image can produce loads of feelings on me... remy je t'aime
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quiero ser [ r u l ö ! ] + [VERAN08!]
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Skjaldamerki Íslands: the national coat of arms representing the folklore and culture of the nation: the four protectors of the land [landsvættir]. there's a nice saga that tells the story behind it. i mean it's not just because. it's told that when the army of a danish king was set to regain iceland [after viking settlements began and they were against dane rule] several monsters attacked them avoiding dane men to step in the land, first it was a giant bull [griðungur] who chase them off from the southwestern coast. then the eagle [gammur] who protected shores. the dragon [drekki] that kept them away from the northeastern fjörds and finally the rock-giant [bergrisi] who chase them from southeastern coasts. so much respect was paid to these symbols, so that during viking era there was a law that ordered 'no ship should bear grimacing symbols (most often dragonheads on the bow of the ship) when approaching iceland. this was so the protectors would not be spooked unnecessarily. all of them of course standing on a basaltic plaque from icelandic volcanoes.
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ég er eins og ég er... sin lugar a dudas!
con esto cierro mi miniciclo dedicado al ICELAND INDEPENDENCE DAY ... and don't forget to chant the Lofsöngur at least once a day!
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the other person is you vcr, i don't know why but i'm afraid you're in problems, since rod said me he's nearly murdered in a town bar by some drunk cunts, i immediately thought of you, mite be that the reason you've not given me any sign of alive. hope it's not that deep shite i'm afraid of.
'hay que vivir la vida, sólo tienes una' said jester marisoley, she's rite, pity we can't make for sure how long are we gonna keep in this realm. meanwhile, it mite be nice to make a profit of being here.
lovely regards my deer friends.
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rulörion, Sigur Rós y un escenario de otro mundo: la primera noche ártica del verano
0 comentarios Publicado por |R| en 4:51 p. m.el momento cumbre llegó cuando interpretaron Gobbledigook en medio de una lluvia de papeles multicolores que lograron iluminar la noche. Junio 7/2008 la primera noche ártica del verano
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este sábado la última noche ártica de primavera... o la primera del pre-verano, como te plazca... al fin!, y ya hay nuevas noches árticas para la agenda...luego os comentoquiero ser [ r u l ö ! ]
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